Homemade Sun-Dried Tomatoes Recipe

homemade sundried tomatoes sundried tomatoes Apr 13, 2021

I used to buy sundried tomatoes at the grocery store all the time, but I started to realize that they were pretty expensive compared to other items. For example, I could get a pound of organic rice for $1.29 or I could get 16 sundried tomatoes for $5. 

I'm being a bit dramatic about only getting 16 sundried tomatoes, but let's be honest, it was never enough. So, I set out to make my own. 

Tomatoes are usually affordable at the grocery store and often go sale, and I love cooking so it was a no brainer for me. 

Choosing Tomatoes

Technically, you could use regular tomatoes, but I haven't. I stick to grape tomatoes because I really appreciate the taste of those tomatoes. 

Sun-Dried Tomatoes Are EASY To Make

All you need is a large pan, 2 pints of grape tomatoes and if you want, salt. 

First, slice each of the tomatoes in half. If you use "regular" tomatoes, cut them in 4. 

Lay them in a single layer on your baking sheet and sprinkle lightly with salt if you like.

Put in the oven and wait.

It's that simple. 

A Video Is Coming Out Soon

I want to show just how simple it is and I'll add it here soon.

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