5 Things I Wasted Money On In My 20s And How To Avoid Them
Dec 04, 2021
Vlogmas Day 4: 5 Things I Wasted Money On In My 20s And How To Avoid Them
I'm gonna be transparent here, some of the things I used to do were silly and embarrassing, but that's part of the journey...Right?
Spending (Excessively) On Food Costs
There was a month where I spend over $700 a month on groceries as a single person. It wasn't from buying high quality groceries but rather that was the cost of going to the store hungry and unprepared.
Creating a simple grocery list and spending 10 minutes on meal planning have been enough to make sure I never do that again. Now, my husband and I spend less than $400 a month for the both of us.
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Putting Off Car Maintenance
I've always driven used cars and used to think that a little noise was part of the territory. It's not.
Sometimes, just getting the regular maintenance you need as it comes up will save you a lot of headache in the future.
Subscription Services (& "Free" Trials)
Subscription services are all the rage today and I'm done with signing up for every subscription that comes my way.
I do have some subscriptions, some of which I pay for and others that I call "forever free access" as long as my sister keeps paying.
When my budget was at it's tightest, one of the main things restricting my spending was monthly payments from subscriptions that I was not using or getting enough value from. So, I cancelled them and haven't looked back.
Fast Fashion
I used to love the feeling of being able to buy things with the money I made and with fast fashion, I'd feel like I got a great deal. It wasn't until noticing the poor quality that I really realized something had to change.
I'm not going out buying Gucci but there are plenty of stores including thrift stores or sale items available where you can still get good quality clothing within your budget.
You can get 3 of my go to meal ideas right to your email address. Download the recipes by clicking the button below.
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